French people’s sleep is getting worse


Video length: 1 min

Health: the sleep of the French is deteriorating

Health: the sleep of the French is deteriorating


According to a study by Odoxa, the majority of French people believe that their sleep is less and less good. While many opt for short-term solutions, they risk causing problems in the long term.

On average, the French sleep 6 hours 58 minutes per night. They no longer get enough sleep, and worse, they have been sleeping less and less well for several years. According to an Odoxa study, 59% of French people find that their sleep is getting worse. An even higher figure among health professionals. Three out of four of them feel this effect. “There is a crisis in hospitals currently and the nursing staff, who have been extremely strained, have had difficulty recovering time”indicates Doctor Marc Ray, president of the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance.

Solution today, problem tomorrow

As a result, one in four French people take sleeping products. One in ten even admits to taking sleeping pills or anxiolytics to get back to sleep. “The small pill solves the problem today and now, but it creates the problem of tomorrow, because it will end up becoming an addiction”, warns Anne Sénéquier, psychiatrist and co-director of the IRIS Global Health Observatory. There are many explanations for this phenomenon. But sleeping better can perhaps be achieved through a simple gesture: turning off your screen. This blue light, ever more present in our lives, inhibits the secretion of melatonin, the essential sleep hormone.

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