French pastry: the clash of generations

Never has French pastry been talked about so much. Pastry chefs are stars, their creations works of art, followed by millions of followers on social networks. So much so that sometimes the form seems to dominate the content.

Indeed, is taste always in the spotlight when you break down a cake? Is the addition of mascarpone to replace butter creams or Bavarian creams always justified? Does desugaring have its limits? In a pastry universe that is evolving at very high speed and which looks towards societal trends such as vegan, what will be the place of these traditional desserts, which still occupy a special place in the hearts of the French?

Nathalie Helal is in Megève for the assembly cuisine festival, the Toquicimes. To evoke what separates or on the contrary unites the old and the new generation of pastry chefs, it receives pastry chefs from the region: Marion Patraudpastry chef at Grand Hotel du Soleil d’Orin Megeve, Tess Evans Mallethotel pastry chef The Alpaca in Megeve, Philippe Bernachonpastry chef and chocolatier of the house Bernachon in Lyons, and Roland Zanin, pastry chef in Saint-Gervais, Cluses and Sallanches. Notice to sweet tooth!

On the occasion of the Toquicimes, Nathalie Helal is in Megève for a “Gourmet step” dedicated to pastry, she is surrounded by her guests: Marion Patraud, Tess Evans-Mallet and Philippe Bernachon © Radio France

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