“Freedom Convoy” | The trial will look into his publications on social networks

(Ottawa) The trial against “Freedom Convoy” organizer Pat King is expected to soon look into some of the social media posts he made at the time of the massive protest that shut down Ottawa in 2022.

Mr King has pleaded not guilty to nine charges relating to his role in the protest, including a number of allegations that he advised others to break the law.

The Crown alleges that Mr. King was a leader of the protest movement, which saw hundreds of large trucks and other vehicles enter Ottawa and take to the streets, blocking the city center for nearly three weeks.

The court heard the near-constant honking, the smell of diesel fumes and blocked streets disrupted people’s daily routines and city services.

Mr. King documented his experience and delivered messages to his fellow protesters via frequent live posts on social media throughout the protest.

Several of these videos are expected to be entered into evidence and form an important part of the Crown’s arguments.

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