François (Koh-Lanta) indicted for manslaughter: new damning revelations

On February 22, 2022, TF1 will kick off Koh-Lanta: The Cursed Totem. And one of the adventurers is already making a lot of noise: Francois Descamp, a 38-year-old firefighter. Like six other colleagues, he was indicted for manslaughter following the death of a colleague named Jérémy Beier in a forest fire in Hérault in 2016. A case that has not yet been judged. Angry, one of the men who was there during the tragedy wanted to confide in our colleagues from Public.

His name is david fountain and on August 10, 2016, he is left with three other colleagues, “without having the right trainingtake care of a forest fire on a site “difficult to access“. Once there, the The flames progressed very quickly, so they took refuge in their truck, which was defective. They would also have received contradictory orders. “The orders given cannot succeed, the radio does not work any more, the protections of our truck either. The flames surround us. We have no choice but to leave the vehicle. (…) We got hell on us. Imagine the heat of an oven multiplied by 1000. Apocalyptic“, said the firefighter.

If David Fontaine managed to jump through the flames, this is not the case for his colleagues, whom he tried to rescue. Once out of trouble, he found himself with burns to legs and face. Unbearable pain:I scream despite the morphine and ketamine infusions. I think my heart will give out. But once in the hospital, another ordeal begins. While I am on the operating table, suffering martyrdom, François Descamp enters the operating room and asks me: ‘Were you wearing your protective equipment?’ I answer yes, but we were accused of everything.“According to him, their direction has been”nonchalant and disrespectful“. They would have received no apology and their superiors would have taken more rank when they were accused “recklessness“.He provided training, I respected him. Although I heard that there were always problems with his courses: it was an open secret“, he added about the adventurer.

David very affected by the participation of François in Koh-Lanta

David Fontaine therefore has “felt a stab in the heart” when he learned of the participation of François Descamp at Koh Lanta 2022. He immediately contacted his shrink to give him something to calm down. “This man who is said to be sensible and courageous is indicted! An investigation is underway“, he said. A “treason” and an “desertion“that he has trouble digesting as he is still marked by the drama physically and mentally. He had six transplants and 18% of the body burned. His mixed-race skin is struggling to recover, so he can’t drink too much alcohol, gain weight, play sports, or expose himself to the sun. “I suffer from bruxism [grincement des dents, NDLR] and tinnitus“, he clarified. Psychologically, it at “post-traumatic syndrome” and thought of committing suicide. Even today, he sometimes has the impression of being on the scene of the drama. François’ participation in the TF1 adventure game reopened the wounds for David, who immediately had a thought for his late colleague Jérémy and his family.

He is not the only one to have expressed himself in the media, as the broadcast approaches. Lucas Canuel – already seen in Do not touch My TV on February 11 -, which was amputated ten fingers, burned face and legs at 40%spoke to our colleagues from Closer. He also returned to the day of the tragedy, stating that thetheir truck’s thermal self-protection was faulty and they had no insulating breathing masks at their disposal. They would no longer have received none”appropriate instructions” by Francois. According to the 27-year-old, the investigation is not progressing”because there are a multitude of faults and responsible. The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) and François would say that the material was “to the standards of the time“and thus blame the firefighters on site for getting out of the vehicle.

So the battle is not over even if it”should be closed soon“. And he qualifies in France Sunday the Participation of François d’“ultimate humiliation. If he lets justice do its job, he wants to speak up to condemn the whole institution, so that what they have experienced does not happen again. Especially since there would have been other accidents after theirs. But nothing would move for “economic reasons“Since he spoke, François has not attempted to contact him again.”He’s not a bad guy though. He made a mistake and should bear the consequences. I don’t want him fired from the fire department“, he clarified. He would simply have liked his former superior to keep a low profile.

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