François Busnel “madly in love” with Delphine de Vigan: this departure so as not to sacrifice their history

François Busnel has decided to turn a page in his life. At 53, the journalist leave the presentation of The Great Bookstorea program he launched on France 5 in 2008. The end of a story that lasted nearly fourteen years, which he is not about to forget, as entrusted to our colleagues from the newspaper The Parisian. On July 6, François Busnel will therefore present the famous program dedicated to the book for the last time. But why this departure? If he is teeming with projects, the journalist also seems to have more personal reasons, in the background, in particular his life as a couple with the author Delphine de Vigan.

There is another very important thinghe reveals. I am madly in love with an exemplary woman. I have no intention of missing out on my love story or sacrificing anything.” François Busnel specifies that he wants to devote more time to their romance. “I want to take time to live differently and continue to ‘suck the marrow of life’“, he says. Proud of his companion, he has never been stingy with statements. The journalist and literary critic had notably shared his pride when Delphine de Vigan had made the cover of ELLE. “Proud and mad of youas William Sheller would say…“, he had written. Asked by Entertainment TVFrançois Busnel again made a nice statement to his companion after the controversy following his invitation to the show The Great Library, when they were already a couple. “We were then at the beginning of our relationship. Delphine’s book [Rien ne s’oppose à la nuit, ndlr] appeared on the lists of the 4 grand prix and it was number 1 in sales since the end of August. We hesitated, then we decided, with the direction of France Televisions, to make the emission without speaking about our private life. Today she is the woman of my life, I did not know it at the time“, did he declare.

His many professional challenges

If he leaves the presentation, he does not really abandon the adventure since he remains a producer. Every Wednesday evening, it will therefore be under management. “I’m not giving up on the babyspecifies François Busnel to our colleagues, this Friday, July 1. I’m just changing positions: I’ll be on the other side of the screen“If he intends to devote himself to his love life, he also wants new professional challenges,”make movies and series, write and shoot documentaries, produce new talents“.

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