François Baroin denounces “ridiculous settling of scores”

As the 103rd congress of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF) begins to elect its new president, its current boss François Baroin denounced “personal settlements which are quite ridiculous”, Tuesday November 16 on France Bleu. Guest of the show Ma France by Wendy Bouchard, he reacted to the words of Republican Renaud Muselier, Tuesday on franceinfo, calling to vote for the UDI Philippe Laurent, mayor of Sceaux, against LR David Lisnard, mayor of Cannes. President Les Républicains de la region Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur on Monday sent a letter to all the mayors of his region to reaffirm his opposition to David Lisnard.

>> “It is not my right”: Renaud Muselier does not want David Lisnard for the presidency of the mayors of France

“The rivalries of people, the debates or the settling of scores, to put them in a national debate, I do not find that to be very good”, estimated François Baroin, while Renaud Muselier criticized David Lisnard for not having supported him during the regional “neither in the first round, nor in the second round”. “We are a stone’s throw from the presidential election, so the spirits and perhaps the testosterone are starting to heat up a bit, that is possible”, said François Baroin.

“The AMF is an institution, it is an old lady, who must be protected and respected”, continued its outgoing president. It must be independent of all power “, he recalled.

“The Association of Mayors of France (AMF) must be transpartisan, we leave to the locker room its activist commitments.”

Francois Baroin

to France Bleu

“Do you think it was easy for Jacques Pélissard, my predecessor, to oppose Nicolas Sarkozy, while he was LR, at the time of the professional tax reform? You think it was easy for the Socialists to oppose François Hollande on the endowments? They did it, with a lot of courage, quite simply because we have nothing against a power but we have everything for the defense of the municipalities, that’s it. ‘stake”, he stressed.

“It is the mayors who will choose”, added LR François Baroin, in a desire to “take height”. “We are only giving an indication because it would have been irresponsible to say: ‘I had seven years, it was great, now I wash my hands of it, get by.’ You have to respect the DNA of the institution and this DNA is the political gathering, it is absolute independence with regard to any power “ he insisted. “This is what will allow a State to have a strong partner and this is what will allow an institution like ours to be able to live.”

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