franceinfo junior. Who invented the stamps?

Gilles Livchitz, director of Philaposte at Groupe La Poste, answers the children’s questions.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Since Monday 22 November and in memory of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, is being sold by La Poste a new stamp bearing the effigy of the former President of the Republic. This is the opportunity for fanceinfo junior to take an interest in stamps and for theThe pupils of the CM2 classes of the Picpus elementary school of application, in Paris, to ask their questions to Gilles Livchitz, director of Philaposte at Groupe La Poste.

“Since when were stamps invented? Who invented them and how many different stamps are printed per year?” asks Elsa, 10, and she would also like to know who are the artists who design the stamps and if they are known. Next, Clémence, 10 years old, wonders, “on the stamps there is the head of Marianne, and I would like to know who decides to put what on the stamps?”. She is curious to know, “which stamps are the most successful?”. Finally, Jouri ask his questions, “I wonder why stamp collectors spend a fortune just on stamps? The rarest stamps can reach what sums? “.

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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