franceinfo junior. What is the Omicron variant?

Solenne Le Hen, journalist specializing in health at franceinfo, answers children’s questions.

Article written by

Marc Podevin, Cécile Ribault Caillol – franceinfo

Radio France



Reading time : 1 min.

Solenne Le Hen, journalist specializing in health at franceinfo, answers questions from the CM2 class at Fondary elementary public school in Paris on the new Omicron variant. Gaétan, 9 years old, sets out to ask the first question, “Why is it called the Omicron variant? Is the Omicron variant more or less aggressive than another variant?”

“Is the Omicron variant more or less aggressive than another variant?” asks Gaétan. 10 year old girl asks “How do you catch it? And eDoes the Omicron variant spread very fast?“”Will we need to make another vaccine for Omicron or can we use the current vaccine and do we know if there will be a lot of variants like that? “, wonders for her part Amandha

On this page, listen to all the children’s questions and this franceinfo junior program.

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