franceinfo junior answers children’s questions about the international day of women and girls in science

Isabelle Pianet, vice-president of the “Women and Sciences” association, research engineer at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) answers questions from franceinfo junior.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Saturday, February 11, is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, a day created by UNESCO to promote the participation of women in these fields. We talk about it with the guest of the day from franceinfo junior: Isabelle Pianet, vice-president of the Women and Sciences association, research engineer at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and chemist, specializing in the analysis of heritage objects. She answers questions from students at Le Bon Sauveur secondary school in Le Vésinet in the Paris region.

>> To shine a light on forgotten women of science, physicist Jess Wade has written 1,750 biographies on Wikipedia

At the microphone of the show, Adèle wonders if in France, there is “more men scientists than women and is the situation changing?” Another question from Evan on the reasons for this finding: “Why are there fewer women than men in science?” asks the college student. Maxime also wants to know what studies need to be done to “to be scientific”. Finally, Rose wants to know more about the first woman to win a Nobel Prize in Science.

You can listen to this franceinfo junior program in full on this page.

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