France Télévisions talks about his “departure” after the Marine Le Pen affair… everything you need to know!

Anne-Sophie Lapix will not be able to animate the debate between two rounds of this presidential election. Indeed, the journalist from France 2 does not seem to be appreciated by Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen. Maybe because she “fits a little too much into it”? Since his style is often judged as muscular.

A style that she fully assumes and that she evoked with our colleagues from TV 2 Weeks not long ago. The journalist, also taking the opportunity to express her regret at not having received Emmanuel Macron during this presidential campaign. “I regret that he did not come to France 2 at all, in any of our broadcasts. I interviewed all the candidates, except him, who does not rush into public service. It’s a shame. Our newspaper is ‘critical’ with everyone and will remain so. It’s our public service mission. And if I’m asked to interview someone, I’m not going to ask them where they’re going on vacation.”assumed Anne-Sophie Lapix.

Problems that can lead to a departure?

However, the journalist from France 2 assures her, she does not “that to be unpleasant”. “That’s my idea of ​​the interview. It would make it easier to be nice and, believe me, my life would be much easier! But I wouldn’t feel like I was fulfilling my mission”she continues to defend herself before addressing the criticisms she may receive and which do not seem to affect her more than that: “I’m not going to complain, because that’s the price to pay. But I’m still human and that naturally doesn’t make me happy. I haven’t given any interviews in recent months because, as soon as I say something, I feed these criticisms. But it is necessary to put things into perspective: if social networks are an outlet of hatred, people are much more moderate in real life”.

In addition to that, Anne-Sophie Lapix can count on the support of her management. Indeed, Delphine Ernotte, president of France Télévisions, recently spoke with our colleagues from Telerama to support his journalist. This also ensured that it was out of the question to think of a departure from it.“The question of her leaving does not arise. I am lucky to have an independent journalist, and no one will impose someone on me. She will be there at the start of the school year, if she wishes of course, we haven’t discussed it yet. Critics only reinforce it.”. That has the merit of being clear.

See also: Anne-Sophie Lapix makes a radical decision!


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