France Télévisions cancels its new show!

New blow for Laurent Ruquier… A few months ago, the famous host said goodbye to the presentation of “We are live” on France 2. “ I had already worked with Léa Salamé. I had already had the idea, Léa often says so in interviews and she’s not lying, of forming a duet. But, that was an older idea. I had no idea last year or two years ago. I was fine on my own. I would have preferred to continue doing the show on my own. But as I had put forward this idea at the time of We are not lying when Léa was still with me, I accepted. I tried. It only half pleased me. And when I half like it, I prefer to leave “, he confided on the plateau of Touche not at my post after his departure.

“The show did not find its audience”

On November 15, Laurent Ruquier made his comeback on television with a brand new program. A talk show called “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”. Unfortunately, the host would not have succeeded in convincing the viewers. A flop that would have pushed France Télévisions to take a radical decision. Recently interviewed by Le Parisien, Anne Holmes, program director, confided in the fate of the show. ” The show has not found its audience and is not expected to return to the air. The promise was probably insufficiently clear to the viewer. Laurent Ruquier is already working on another format, but I can’t tell you more for the moment. This is the same project as ‘Tout nous chante’ (in which comedians perform songs related to current events), but the concept has evolved a little “, she said. It remains to be seen which program will replace Laurent Ruquier’s project.


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