Video length: 1 min
Research: France is lagging behind the big five
Research: France is lagging behind the big five – (Franceinfo)
France lags behind its competitors in terms of innovation. To catch up, Emmanuel Macron announces the formation of a Presidential Science Council on Thursday December 7.
On innovation, France has been lagging behind the Big Five of China, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Japan for several years. To this must be added major scientific failures which have left their mark, such as the inability of French researchers to develop a vaccine against Covid-19. A Presidential Council, announced by Emmanuel Macron on Thursday December 7, will be formed of 12 members. Among them, we will find the CNRS 2023 gold medal Sandra Lavorel, the Nobel in economics Jean Tirol, and the Nobel in physics Alain Aspect.
Artificial Intelligence at the heart of future research
Among the strategic challenges of this council, it will notably be a question of France’s positioning on Artificial Intelligence. This is a major sector that the State cannot ignore. Last June, the President of the Republic announced an additional envelope of 500 million euros for its development.