France is experiencing an increase in contamination



Article written by

F. Mathieux, E. Sizarols, France 3 Grand-Est, S. Korwin – franceinfo

France Televisions

In France, Covid-19 contaminations increased by 37% in one week, while the government has just eased health restrictions.

It is the return of the queues in front of the laboratories. In a Parisian establishment, Sunday March 20, you had to wait half an hour before being tested. The Covid-19 contamination rate has been rising for several days. “When we take out our PCR series, we have a cloud of positives. And right now the cloud of positives is getting denser and darker“, explains Dr Caroline Aymard, biologist and head of the Library’s laboratory in Paris.

The numbers speak for themselves. On Saturday, there were 98,104 new cases of Covid-19, almost twice as many as a fortnight ago. Specialists cite three reasons for this rebound: the arrival of the BA.2 sub-variant, 30% more transmissible, as well as the multiplication of contact cases, with in particular the return of the wind, and the decline, over time, immune protection.

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