France candidate for the organization of the Women’s Euro 2025

The French Football Federation formalized on Thursday its candidacy to host the first Women’s Euro in its history.

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After the World Cup in 2019, it is the Women’s Euro 2025 which could settle in France. The French Football Federation formalized in a press release, Thursday, February 3, its candidacy for the organization of the continental event.

The host country for the competition will be designated by UEFA next December. In the meantime, the FFF has already launched the consultation process which will make it possible to designate the stadiums selected to host this Euro. The final phase will bring together the 16 best European nations and will consist of 31 matches, spread over eight stadiums.

The FFF “will be based in particular on the success of the organization of the Women’s World Cup” in 2019, she says. If France was host of the men’s European Championships in 1960, 1984 and 2016, it has never organized this competition for women.

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