France Bleu Poitou offers you 50 weather stations!

She will proudly sit in your living room or bedroom and answer the question you ask every morning: how am I going to dress today? Fifty weather stations to win on France Bleu Poitou from this Sunday, November 7, 2021.

The France Bleu Poitou weather station gives you the indoor and outdoor temperature, date, time, hydrometry rates, moon quarter, and 48-hour forecasts. It has a color screen and lots of other functions that we haven’t had time to explore yet!

To win it, frankly, it’s not complicated, just let yourself be guided!

In addition to its multiple functions, it will be an ideal topic of conversation for meals that get bogged down: you will have plenty of time to impress your guests with its ideal ergonomics, its simplified handling, its shimmering colors and you will not forget not, of course, to extol the merits of your favorite radio station, France Bleu Poitou!

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