France Bleu Creuse still at the top of radio audiences in Creuse

We couldn’t have hoped for a better birthday present! France Bleu Creuse is still and always the most listened to radio station in Creuse. According to the latest Médialocales survey, 28,900 of you follow our programs every day. That’s more than last year. This is an increase of 1.7 points or 1,500 additional listeners. 40 years after its creation, France Bleu Creuse is still the favorite radio station of the Creusois, the 1st radio station in the department.

Audience record

With a cumulative audience of 29.1%, France Bleu Creuse is the most listened to radio of the 44 stations in the network France Blue. Thanks to you, we achieve the best audience score in a department, all radio stations combined. This success compels us. But it is above all yours, and we thank you for being at our side and for remaining faithful to us for 40 years.

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