Frames to decorate the garden

Anyone who has a vegetable garden, a flower garden, shrubs, fruit trees… Has already stood still for a few moments looking at a small corner of space, because this point of view flatters the eye, the senses, gives a few moments of pure joy. We can take a picture, we can also set up a device that will draw the attention of others to this small rectangle of beauty.

In garage sales there are framed canvases that are worth almost nothing, some are even ready to pay you to get rid of these things.

Agreed maybe although Emmanuel Grosbois from Jardin A Fleur d’Eau in Cherveux (79) is exaggerating but he has thus recovered several pretty frames which have already lived well and which he has no bad conscience to hang in his corner of paradise.

These objects will be exposed to bad weather, like the pretty view they will highlight, they will live for a season. We can move them to other places over the months.

At the end of a path, a path: hung on a branch, placed on a makeshift easel or directly on the ground, the frame does its job as a frame: it highlights.

Let your imagination be free.

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