The first holidaymakers hit the road on Saturday June 29. This year, the French have a higher budget because of inflation, notes the Research Center for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions.
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“Four out of ten people do not go on holiday and this figure rises to eight out of ten people on low incomes”underlines, Saturday June 29, on franceinfo, Sandra Hoibian, general director of the Research Center for the study and observation of living conditions (Crédoc), on this first weekend of summer vacation departures.
Sandra Hoibian also notes “strong inequalities” on the duration of travel. “26 nights on average” for a frame, “15 for an employee” And “11 for a worker”. Beyond the financial question, the “main”other obstacles prevent some French people from going on holiday. Health, in particular, for the elderly. There are also “professional questions for the self-employed, for example, who sometimes have to maintain their activity all summer”adds Sandra Hoibian. Then, to a lesser extent, some simply do not want to go on vacation.
The vacation budget of a family made up of two adults and two children is “on average 2,100 euros”she says. “It varies enormously” depending on various factors: a family staying with relatives during their holidays will obviously spend less than another who rents a hotel room or a campsite. The holiday budget will not be the same if we “stay in France or if we go abroad and if we take the car or if we take the train”. So, “It can go from 1,300 euros to 3,400 euros”still for a family of two adults and two children, adds Sandra Hoibian.
According to the general director of Crédoc, the French remain “massively” in France. “80% of departures are in France” mainly towards the coasts (in the south or in Brittany). The holiday budget “will be rather on the rise” this summer, “simply because there is inflation and prices have increased” (transport, accommodation). An increase “around 10%”she specifies.
The Director General of the Research Center for the Study and Observation of Living Conditions emphasizes that “four out of ten households” declare “deprive yourself on a daily basis to save exceptional expenses” because “in this complicated period, they want to preserve moments of pleasure”. Sandra Hoibian notes that this year, some “book at the last minute to optimize the vacation with the rather changeable weather” and for “really be able to enjoy”.