former Prime Ministers Manuel Valls and Jean-Pierre Raffarin support Emmanuel Macron

Former Socialist Prime Minister Manuel Valls called on Wednesday March 2 to “uniting behind the only possible choice” by voting for Emmanuel Macron in the first round of the presidential election. “Like many Republicans of all stripes, I will vote for Emmanuel Macron from April 10”wrote in a column published on his accounts the former head of government of François Hollande, who had already voted for the current president in the first round in 2017.

“Never before has France had to face such great challenges calling into question, internally, its indivisibility and, externally, its unique place in Europe and in the world”, argues Manuel Valls in this forum. He also advances “political reasons”believing that “this campaign sheds a glaring light on the bankruptcies of the two political families (the right and the left) which have long structured our democratic life”.

This new support was announced just after that of another Prime Minister, on the right this one, Jean-Pierre Raffarin. “This five-year term will undoubtedly remain one of the most difficult in our history: the president, in my opinion, has lived up to the function, I wish his candidacy and I will support him”announced on LCI the former head of government of Jacques Chirac, who left Les Républicains several years ago.

“I have thought a lot about this subject because I have consideration and affection for Valérie Pécresse, but the dangerousness of the international situation today removes all hesitation, the time has come for national unity, we must come together behind the head of our executive”he pointed out.

Emmanuel Macron has still not officially announced his intention to run for a new term at the Elysée. He has however passed since the bar of 500 sponsorships of elected officials, since it had 1,785 signatures at the last count, Tuesday evening. Sponsorship collection ends Friday.

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