former President of the United States, Donald Trump, publishes a letter sent by the mother of William and Harry!

This is a book that is likely to cause a stir. On April 25, 2023, Donald Trump will publish a collection of 150 letters named Letters To Trump (Letters to Trump, in French, editor’s note). An epistolary work in which the writings of several personalities such as Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood and Michael Jackson will be revealed. In addition to his exchanges with these big names in the United States, the former president should also highlight letters exchanged with Queen Elizabeth II, but also with Lady Diana.

Proud of his new project, the politician assures, in the columns of Breitbart that the readers “will discover a fascinating life”. “I knew them all – and each one of them licked my ass, and now more than half continue to do so”explains the husband of Melania Trump, referring to the personalities concerned.

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“Some of the most interesting people in the world”

For Donald Trump Jr., eldest son of Donald Trump, his father had the opportunity to converse with “some of the most interesting people in the world”. “It’s amazing how quickly their adoration for him changed when he ran for office as a Republican. Letters To Trump show you exactly how they feel about him and how much their newfound disdain is really fake”, he told our English-speaking colleagues.

For the moment, the secret is well kept and no letter has leaked, apart from a letter from host Oprah Winfrey. According to information relayed by Axios, the latter would have expressed a certain enthusiasm concerning the businessman. “It’s still a shame that we don’t make a ticket for the presidential election. What a team it would be!”, she writes. “It’s one thing to try to live a life of integrity – it’s another to get noticed by people like you.” Unfortunately, the discourse of the television woman has changed since Donald Trump was elected president. “Alas, from the moment I announced my candidacy, Oprah never spoke to me again”deplores the main interested party. Letters To Trump promises to cause a real tidal wave!


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