Former MP Véronique Hivon becomes guest professor at the University of Montreal

Former PQ member Véronique Hivon will become a visiting professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Montreal (UdeM) at the end of the summer season.

“A new life that excites me!” declared the main interested party on Twitter, Wednesday morning, saying she was “privileged” to be able to share “[sa] passion for public service and political practice”.

It was the University of Montreal that made the announcement early Wednesday morning, stating that Véronique Hivon will also be an expert in residence at the new House of Public and International Affairs at UdeM, starting September 1.

She will teach in the master’s program in political science – professional development in public and international affairs, in addition to participating in applied research projects on current issues. “Her colleagues will also be able to receive her as a lecturer in the context of baccalaureate courses in political science or other partner disciplines of the House. She will also act as a mentor for master’s students with an internship in political science, ”said UdeM in a press release.

Recall that Ms. Hivon left politics in the fall of 2022 after nearly 15 years on the Quebec scene as MP for Joliette. She was also Minister Delegate for Social Services and Youth Protection (2012-2014).

“When I announced that I would not seek a new political mandate, I indicated that, after an exciting life in this field, I now wanted to be able to deepen certain social issues, in a different setting, and share my experience. This is precisely what my mandate at the Department of Political Science will allow me to do, ”said Véronique Hivon in a press release.

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