Former Minister François de Rugy announces leaving political life

The elected representative of La République en Marche will not stand for re-election in the legislative elections next June, after a combination of twenty years of various successive terms.

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“It is healthy in a democracy that functions are limited in time.“François de Rugy, former President of the National Assembly and Minister for Ecological Transition, is leaving political life, he announced on Friday March 25 in an interview with the magazine Fundamental. Deputy La République en Marche for Loire-Atlantique, he will not stand for re-election in the legislative elections next June, after a cumulative twenty years of various successive mandates.

Remaining a supporter of Emmanuel Macron, he now intends “to act in economic life”, even “to invest in civic life through an association or a think tank”.

“I still love politics and I am not disgusted by it even if I have paid dearly and unfairly for my commitment and the exercise of responsibilities”, he assures, in reference to his resignation in July 2019 from his post as Minister of Ecological Transition after revelations from Mediapart concerning his supposedly lavish lifestyle, photos of lobsters and champagne in support. esteeming “bleached” by the investigations of the government and the Assembly concerning the amount of work in his official accommodation at the ministry and the sumptuous dinners when he presided over the National Assembly, François de Rugy had however undertaken to reimburse three of these dinners judged of one “manifestly excessive level” by investigation.

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