for the XV of France, a mentally enhanced victory

Against Scotland, the Blues showed great strength of character to win an improved victory (32-21).

“It’s obviously a satisfaction to have managed to hold out until the end”. In the bays of the Stade de France, Paul Willemse still seems inhabited by this breathless end to the match during which the Blues took over Scotland, Sunday February 26, during the 3rd day of the Six Nations Tournament. After having suffered for a long time in the second period, the Blues hung on until the end to maintain their advantage and even win the offensive bonus. A state of mind that recalls how this team is full of resources and endowed with a certain panache.

Because the improved victory of the XV of France against Scotland is also a great success on the mental level. Put under pressure throughout the second period by the Scots who were gradually coming up behind, the Blues did not give up. They managed to hit and score the offensive bonus try and release at the last minute, staying true to their principles and strategy.

“We decided to play this way so as not to lose the ball”, explained Thibaud Flament in the mixed zone. It was therefore worked, but without assurance of achieving execution. “We had to do it again before scoring”also recalled Fabien Galthié, who saw Gaëtan Barlot fail one meter from the Scottish line a few minutes before Fickou’s breakthrough.

The pressure to bounce back

Before this cutthroat end to the match, the mental dimension generally weighed on the entire meeting. Expected at the psychological turn after conceding defeat in Ireland, the Blues immediately responded, unlocking their counter after five short minutes. Leaving like clockwork, they also had the opportunity to demonstrate their strength of character when their good start took a hit in the wing with the exclusion of Mohamed Haouas. Determined, they did not let themselves be overwhelmed, and even found a way to score a third try and widen their lead.

A psychological force all the more remarkable that Scotland acts as the black beast of the French version Fabien Galthié, and that the last confrontations between the two countries have often been played out as much on the ground as in the head. In 2021, it was the Blues who cracked and were knocked down by a last-minute try, for what remains their last home defeat. “Two years ago, we lost right here in the last action. Today, we went for the offensive bonus to get five points, and zero for them”synthesized Fabien Galthié at the microphone of France 2 just after the final whistle.

A French money-time?

This mental management of money-time, the Blues seem to have made a specialty of it. “It looks like the three first matches we played”rewound Ethan Dumortier. “Against Italy it was decided at the end, against Ireland we fought almost to the end.” And we can go back further. Against South Africa, for their last match of the year 2022, the Blues also went to score the winning try five minutes from the siren.

The players have every interest in relying on this strength and panache, in a tough and tight Six Nations Tournament. “When you look from the start, few games seem bent […] Many are played until the 70th minute”, noted Fabien Galthié. Like in two weeks in England? In any case, they will do everything to be in the match, and to make the weight mentally against an opponent with whom they have never imposed themselves under the Galthié era.

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