for the rector of the Academy of Lille, “it looks good”

While national education manages, as best it can, the health protocols linked to the Covid-19 epidemic, it is also already preparing for the next return to school, in September 2022. At the beginning of February, the departmental councils of the National Education (CDEN), discussions between academic directors, representatives of teachers and parents, to stop the school mapin the Nord and Pas-de-Calais.

This Wednesday, January 26, the rector of the Academy of Lille has already given the outline of the means allocated to the two departments. “The start of the school year is looking good” summarizes Valérie Cabuil from the outset. The rector who ensures that it is no longer with a simple calculator that the national education services reason today. The principle is progressive allocation of resources. We take into account the number of students, of course, but also their social situationand their specific support needs.

24 students maximum, from Grande section to CE1

In schools, the number of students is down sharply: less than 6,647, and yet, according to the rector, 20 positions are created. In colleges and high schools, there will be 751 fewer students at the start of the next school year, but the rectorate announces the creation of 32 “teaching methods“. The stated objective for 2022 is for it to have 24 students per class maximumin all major kindergarten sections, CPs and CE1s.

We need to create 6,000 jobs

It’s an illusion” reacts Catherine Piécuch, academic secretary of the FSU union, “these 32 positions, it can be overtime, full-time trainees… In reality, we are losing 89 positions in the second degree. To teach properly, 6,000 jobs would have to be created.“.

Regional languages

Among the novelties of this new school year, the appearance of the teaching of two regional languages: picard and the West Flemish. Pupils will be able to learn it in schools in Hauts-de-France. This year, an experiment is already taking place on West Flemish in two schools, Kassel and wormholein a college in Cassel and a vocational high school in Hazebrouck.

But according to Jean-Yves Bessol, academic director of the national education services, we should not expect these regional languages ​​to be taught everywhere, immediately: “the sheet is totally white. You have to find the teachers. It is not because you speak Picard or West Flemish that you can be a teacher tomorrow. We are on the verge of an adventure, which will not happen with a wave of a magic wand“.

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