for the first time this show will be presented!

It’s in Dordogne, therefore, that will be presented for the first time, at the Saint-Astier factory, the creation of Youcef Ouali’s company hOndi’cap. The Fabrique has also been welcoming Youcef Ouali’s company in recent days to “polish” the show. “It was also an opportunity to adapt to the configuration of the Factory”, confides Youcef Ouali.

The show mixes different dance styles, circus art, acrobatics and disability.

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Beyond the beauty of the show, and the body of the dancers, the finely selected music, one of the objectives of hONdi’cap is to show that one can be disabled and go beyond the limits that everyone has imposed on their status. Allow dancers with disabilities to be considered as full-fledged artists, which is quite rare “, explains Youcef Ouali.

? Listen to Youcef Ouali present his creation to us. You will be amazed.

For more info: the website of the Fabrique de Saint-Astier

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