for the actor Clovis Cornillac, the film “Monsieur le Maire” is “very positive, very luminous”


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8 mins

Cinema: for actor Clovis Cornillac, the film “Monsieur le Maire” is “very positive, very luminous”

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Clovis Cornillac was on the set of 12/13 info, Friday November 3, to discuss the film “Monsieur le Maire”, which is “positive” and “luminous”.

Actor Clovis Cornillac stars in the film Mr. Mayor, in theaters since November 1. In this dramatic comedy, the actor plays the mayor of a small town, located at the foot of Mont-Blanc. “He is a rural mayor of a small village in Haute-Savoie, (…) who [est confronté] to desertification, therefore at the risk of closing the school”explains Clovis Cornillac, who explains at the same time the councilor decides “to recover a former gendarmerie to turn it into apartments”. A young mother, a country singer, then moves in.

Tenderness and empathy

According to the actor, Mr. Mayor “is a very positive, very luminous film” And “popular”. “It’s a very simple film that talks about subjects that can be a little touchy, but the way in which [les réalisateurs] talk about it and the way it is filmed [traduit] something extremely tender and linked to empathy”details the actor who ensures “that even children do to themselves [attraper] by the film”.

Clovis Cornillac specifies that the directors, Michel Tavares and Karine Blanc, “were inspired by the initiative of Arnaud Diaz [le maire de L’Hospitalet-près-l’Andorre] who was to set up ‘la maison des cimes’, in his village, [pour les femmes battues]”.

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