For Museum Night, Halle 38 in Dijon opens its doors

Opened in 2017, Halle 38 is a former military building renovated by the town hall and made available to fifteen artists for two years. It’s a workshop where everyone has their own space, for the symbolic sum of one euro per day. Exceptionally, residents open their doors on the occasion of the Night of the museumson Saturday May 14, 2022 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Create in ideal conditions

About fifteen artists occupy these studios for two years. They were selected on the basis of their artistic project. A privileged setting according to Wolf Cuyvers, painter: “It’s still a great thing, I have 110 square meters, it’s not expensive”.

Same observation for Maël Bret. He is a director, in the process of creating an animated film at Halle 38: “There is no animation studio in the region, except that I am from Dijon. This workshop allows me to stay here.”

Towards a more recurrent opening?

Residents insist: this is not an exhibition hall. Before this Night of Museums 2022, the Halle only opened for Heritage Days. A reality that Maëva Ferreira Da Costa, one of the residents, would like to see evolve: “Perhaps the places don’t necessarily lend themselves to it, but it’s an idea yes to do a course”. To allow greater visibility for artists, an Instagram account has also been created.

Some workshops in Hall 38

Maëva Ferreira Da Costa works on installations and sculptures © Radio France
Pauline Boudier
Alice Charton is a visual artist
Alice Charton is a visual artist © Radio France
Pauline Boudier
Two of Semine Yang's paintings
Two of Semine Yang’s paintings © Radio France
Pauline Boudier
Gentaro Murakami's works are inspired by modern history
Gentaro Murakami’s works are inspired by modern history © Radio France
Pauline Boudier
Maël Bret in his production workshop
Maël Bret in his production workshop © Radio France
Pauline Boudier
Some works of Wolf Cuyvers
Some works of Wolf Cuyvers © Radio France
Pauline Boudier

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