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With more people to help than ever before, food banks are seeing their energy bills skyrocket. They do not benefit from the tariff shield.
Food banks, which work with volunteers, collect products for free to redistribute them. However, fresh foods should be stored. Without a tariff shield, the bill could increase. “The cold chain is fundamental to respect. What is the cold chain? It’s electricity”explains Régis Godard, president of the Hérault food bank.
In 2023, some food banks will see their electricity bills increase fivefold. Thus, in Charente-Maritime, the bill will increase from 40,000 euros to 210,000 euros. Food banks represent 125,000 m² of energy-intensive cold rooms. They also ask to benefit from the tariff shield. Otherwise, they risk not being able to carry out actions with their beneficiaries, whose number is growing. “There are more and more requests, more than 9% since the beginning of the year”notes Laurence Champier, federal director of food banks.