follow the symbolic trip of the Head of State

What there is to know

Visit “highly symbolic and political”, considers the historian Tal Bruttmannau to franceinfo. As part of his two-day trip to several cities in Cher and Allier, Emmanuel Macron will go to Vichy (Allier) on Wednesday, December 8, in the afternoon. The stage is particularly awaited, whereas the name of the sub-prefecture of Allier still echoes the Pétain regime, from July 1940 to August 1944. Follow our direct line.

“Let us be careful not to manipulate” History. Emmanuel Macron warned Wednesday morning against any “handling” Of the history. An allusion toux controversies launched by the far-right candidate, Eric Zemmour, on the role of the Vichy regime during World War II.

The mayor of the town wants to put an end to the expression “Vichy regime”. “My wish is that the highest authorities of the State, therefore the President of the Republic, no longer use this expression”, explained the mayor of Vichy, Frédéric Aguilera, with France 3 Auvergne Rhône-Alpes. “The Vichy regime was above all the French state. When we talk about the Vichy regime, we have the feeling that it was Vichy and that it was therefore not France “, he believes.

Collection in front of a stele in homage to the deported Jews. According to information from franceinfo, Emmanuel Macron will add memorial moments to his official program in the city. He will thus stop in front of the plaque honoring the memory of deported Jews, in front of the Hôtel du Parc, and in front of that in honor of the 80 parliamentarians opposed to Marshal Pétain, located at the Vichy Opera.

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