Florists: French flowers are on the rise


Video duration:
4 mins

Article written by

France 2 – J. Van Hove, A. François-Poncet, V. Huon

France Televisions

At their florists, more and more customers are attracted by flowers 100% “made in France”. Consequently, after 30 years of dormancy, the French horticultural sector is reborn.

The scents of 100 French and local flowers fill Gaëlle Peirazeau’s boutique. She indicates that she “is in 100% Île-de-France”. This boutique, located in the center of Paris, sells exclusively seasonal French flowers. “We only have summer and early autumn flowers”, assures the florist. Customers have taken a liking to it. “I buy exclusively French”, certifies a customer. For 5 years, French France has been on the rise. However, it had almost disappeared from the market for 30 years.

A flower farm every week

More and more florists want short-circuit flowers. This year, seven new producers have set up. At the Bordeaux flower market (Gironde), a producer sells almost all of her flowers every time. “We have no losses”, she emphasizes. Horticulturists have been producing flowers in greenhouses for 40 years. A cooperative in the South-West has been weakened for years by foreign competition. Today, it is relaunching new cultures. In France, since 2020, a flower farm has been created every week.

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