Flavors of Morocco on the banks of the Garonne

In Morocco, smells and flavors invite themselves to the table in the morning. At breakfast, we enjoy a fresh orange juice that we accompany with one or more Msemen. This thin and flaky pancake crisps slightly to the bite, ideal for gently awakening the taste buds. Alongside the Msemen, there are also the Baghir, a round and honeycomb pancake, in a round format like a pancake. For the other meals of the day, spices are in the spotlight as well as coriander, present almost everywhere. We also find cinnamon, in desserts of course, but also in sweet and savory dishes such as pastilla.

Yannick Revel: before clicking to book your next flight to Marrakech, I’ll give you two addresses that will already make your mouth water.

Le Dades, between the Saint Michel spire and the Capucins market in Bordeaux. Moroccan home cooking with a short menu and very reasonable prices. A very good pick for a tagine or couscous on the terrace. At the Riad Marrakech au Bouscat, you can taste some of the dishes mentioned in this column, such as the chicken pastilla or the apricot lamb tagine.

Friday is couscous day
@Yannick Revel

Blogger, journalist, author, content creator, entrepreneur… Yannick Revel is an insatiable storyteller. On his blog Bon Sud Bon Genre, he shares his vision of the art of living imbued with culture, travel and of course gastronomy. His passion is to meet and transmit, wherever he is. A beautiful beach, an exhibition, a new table, Yannick Revel likes to unearth good and beautiful addresses, sometimes off the beaten track. Between the Basque coast and Bordeaux, the esthete also shares her daily life, her enthusiasm and her favorites on her Instagram account.

Yannick Revel author of the blog Bon sud Bon genre
Yannick Revel author of the blog Bon sud Bon genre

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