Flaggers injured in Pointe-aux-Tembles | The driver of the vehicle involved went to the SPVM

Two road flaggers were injured last Wednesday by a motorist who allegedly tried to pass through a construction site in Pointe-aux-Trembles, before fleeing. The next day, the 68-year-old man, however, went himself to the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal (SPVM).

” [Le suspect] was arrested and questioned by investigators, police said Friday evening. He has been released and does not face any charges at this time. The investigation is continuing to determine the causes and circumstances of the incident. »

The event occurred overnight from Wednesday to Thursday, on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Boulevard, near Industriel Boulevard. A vehicle then entered the zone prohibited to traffic, injuring two road flaggers, one of them seriously. Hit in the head, the 39-year-old man “is still in critical condition and we still fear for his life,” said the SPVM.

The other victim, also 39, suffered only minor injuries.

“Growing” Danger

In particular in light of this event, an association representing road flaggers expressed concern about the “growing” danger surrounding the profession.

Éric Laflamme, president of the Association regrouping the installers and flaggers of Quebec (ARISQ), estimates that the summer of 2023 is already very “busy” for its members, which sows concern for the future.

[Mercredi], we had three accidents, including the one in Pointe-aux-Trembles. It has to stop, it’s not going down, it’s rather getting worse from year to year.

Éric Laflamme, President of the Association of Installers and Flaggers of Quebec (ARISQ)

This upward trend is clear when looking at the numbers. In 2022, 210 road flaggers were injured on Quebec roads, compared to 161 in 2021. The year before, 104 workers were injured. ARISQ is calling on the government for “greater police presence when construction sites are closed or open”.

With the collaboration of Henri Ouellette-Vézina, The Press

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