Five preparation matches for DFCO footballers

Five matches to get back on your feet. The DFCO has just published the list of friendly matches that the Reds will play this month of July.

We start this series at home with the reception of the neighbors. Lovers of St Apollinaire which evolve Nationale 3. A lap then in Beaujolais on the ground of Villefranche, National club. Back home then for a Burgundy-Franche Comté derby with the reception of Besançon, National 3 team.

In mid-July, a taste of Ligue 2 with the reception ofAnnecyone of our future adversaries.

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We recall that the Ligue 2 season resumes on July 30 with the reception of Saint-Etienne at the Gaston Gerard stadium. The Reds season will of course be live on France Bleu Bourgogne with all the matches live and in full!

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