five people in police custody


Video length: 2 min

Death of a schoolboy in Viry-Châtillon: five people in police custody

Saturday April 6, the day after the death of a 15-year-old teenager, beaten up as he left his college in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), emotions are still very strong. Five people, including an adult, were taken into custody.

(France 2)

Saturday April 6, the day after the death of a 15-year-old teenager, beaten up as he left his college in Viry-Châtillon (Essonne), emotions are still very strong. Five people, including an adult, were taken into custody.

With heavy hearts, families from the neighborhood came together to pay emotional tribute on Saturday, April 6. Shamseddine, 15, died the day before from his injuries. Soft toys, flowers or a little note, many teenagers came to show their support. “It’s unacceptable that a child can be beaten to death like that”, notes a woman. A French teacher from the Collège des Sablons, who came to lay flowers, explains that he thinks “to the family” of the adolescent.

A psychological cell was opened

Five people were arrested, including a 20-year-old adult, three 17-year-old minors and a 15-year-old minor. They are now heard in this police station in Évry (Essonne). They are suspected of having participated, directly or indirectly, in the attack on Shamseddine, beaten to death by several individuals on Thursday April 4, while he was returning home.

Video surveillance images are currently being analyzed by investigators to try to understand the circumstances of the tragedy. Shamseddine is described by everyone as an uneventful teenager. A medico-psychological help unit was opened in Viry-Châtillon.

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