Five Doctors Without Borders employees kidnapped in northern Cameroon

The region where they were kidnapped is regularly the theater of operations for jihadist groups. The circumstances of this abduction are still unclear.

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Five Chadian, Senegalese, Franco-Ivorian and Cameroonian employees of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) were kidnapped on Thursday February 24 by armed men in the far north of Cameroon, a region in which jihadist groups operate. .

“Armed men broke into MSF’s home” and “five members of our team were taken away” in Fotokol, on the border with Nigeria, where the jihadist groups Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa (Iswap) regularly attack civilians, MSF said in an email to AFP.

Three aid workers, a Franco-Ivorian, a Senegalese and a Chadian, as well as two Cameroonian security guards were kidnapped, said a local administration official, who requested anonymity. “There is nothing to link this act to the attacks of Boko Haram. We do not know if it was a simple theft that went wrong. A safe was opened”, he added. The army is looking for them.

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