fishing, Catalan boats and the Oniria aquarium

The appointment is given place of the Mediterranean. “My France, summer“settles at Canet-en-Roussillon to make you discover the local soil, the inhabitants who move the region and the essential activities of the summer. One hour of good moodof met and of share to enjoy the summer weather on France Bleu!

Catalan boats and fishing in Canet

An association has decided to revive the peaches of yesteryear in Canet. The association of old rigs of Canet organizes demonstrations of ancestral fishing techniqueslike the lamparo fishing.

Francis Principle is a former passionate fisherman. He explains the technique of lamparo fishing, a form of fire fishing practiced since antiquity. This fishery experienced its golden age in the 19th century. It is with a large projector that fishermen attract fish attracted by light, such as anchovies, sardines, mackerels, blue fish

Another ancestral technique is the Sardinal fishing. It’s the mesh that allows you to catch the sardines! Nowadays, only four boats still practice lamparo fishing. They were ten times more numerous in the last century.

The mysterious ice well of the Château de Canet

When visiting the ruins of canet castle, one can easily come across a mysterious vaulted room. This is not a cellar, nor a crypt or a cathedral. Its use has long been questioned, but we now know that it is in factan ice well. This allowed goods to be kept cool.

Organizer of visits and walks in old Canet, Daniel Castello tells us the story of this castle.

Aquarium and Flower Influencer

Coming to Canet during the summer also means coming to discover its gigantic Oniria aquarium which has become a must in the summer. You can follow the fish from the Canigou to the sea with rare species such as river barbel or trout barbel. In total, more than 600 species are present, enough to get away from it all and travel from Canet to the other side of the world with sharks or cowfish.

Scientific and technical manager of Oniria, Patrick Mazanet tells us about this place of escape, pleasure, but also environmental education.

Finally, “My France, summer” presents you with a florist like no other. Florist from father to son, Max launched a YouTube channel on which he presents tutorials for making his own bouquets of flowers. Everything is there, with professionalism to make beautiful compositions and assemblies with taste. The artist from Perpignan tells us the story of his channel.

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Also discover Serge Briez from the NGO The peoples of the sea which counts the species offshore to identify them. Alongside the bottlenose dolphin coexist sea and migratory birds, fish, turtles, penguins…

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