first complaint for ecocide against Russia


Video length: 2 min

War in Ukraine: first complaint for ecocide against Russia

War in Ukraine: first complaint for ecocide against Russia – (franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – B. Mousset, J. Raynal

France Televisions

The war in Ukraine will have a considerable environmental impact. In the middle of a climate conference in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), experts calculated the enormous environmental cost of the conflict, Moscow will have to answer for crimes of ecocide after the destruction of the Kakhovka dam (Ukraine).

They are investigators, they dig holes, take photos and demarcate the land. This is not to demonstrate war crimes but to prove that an ecological disaster did indeed take place here, in the Kherson region, in the south of the country. The evidence collected should allow Ukraine to file a complaint for ecocide, this is one of the consequences of the Russian invasion in Kherson.

An ecological disaster

It was last June 6. An explosion of undetermined origin caused the partial rupture of the dam on the Dnieper River, in an area controlled by the Russian army. This destruction caused significant flooding in Ukrainian-held towns. Thousands of people had to be urgently evacuated. A humanitarian drama to which was added an ecological disaster with tens of thousands of dead fish. The consequences are visible up to 300km away, in the Zaporizhia region. For the Ukrainian complaint to succeed, the investigation will have to prove that Russia intentionally wanted to destroy the environment, a crime which has never yet been judged by international authorities.

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