first appearance since the scandal and total change of look for the host

Stéphane Plaza finds himself at the heart of a dark affair. On September 21, Mediapart

has in fact published an investigation in which three of his former companions claimed to have suffered physical and psychological violence from the host. Allegations that Stéphane Plaza categorically denied. His lawyer, Hélène Plumet, stressed that most of these accusations came from women with whom the M6 ​​star had had relationships and who, after breakups, would have united with the aim of tarnishing his reputation.

In response, the real estate agent decided to file a complaint. According to his lawyer, “Their maneuvers took on such proportions that they forced Mr. Plaza to file a criminal complaint for harassment and cyberharassment in June of this year. The facts are serious enough for Mr. Plaza to fear for his life, as he ‘indicated to the public prosecutor.”

Also see: “I can finally talk about it”, Stéphane Plaza: his former collaborator, Emmanuelle Rivassoux, tells the whole truth about his departure

“I love Nice”

Despite these recent accusations, Stéphane Plaza remains imperturbable. This Wednesday, November 22, 2023, Karine Le Marchand’s sidekick took over his social networks to share a photo of him. On it, the M6 ​​star is visibly seated on the “C” of the famous “I love Nice” sculpture, installed next to the “Aéroport Terminal 1” tram station in Nice.

With a mischievous face, Stéphane Plaza sports a winter outfit and a pair of green sneakers. A look that no longer has anything to do with the one he used to adopt. Relaxed, has the host just announced his return to France after taking off? One thing is certain, it is that this publication risks getting people talking.


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