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Faced with the energy crisis, more and more households are heating with wood, and professionals are struggling to meet demand.
In Vienne, Benoit Beaufils continues to deliver wood to individuals who use it for heating. Deadlines are getting longer to meet demand, while he is already making around ten deliveries every day. The stere of wood costs 20 euros more this year. The bill increased by 100 euros for a buyer, who anticipated other possible increases by buying enough wood to provide heating for two years.
For the couple who made this purchase, wood remains more interesting than electric heating, which they use as little as possible. The rise in prices, Benoit Beaufils explains it by the increase in charges: felling, transport and above all electricity for wood processing machines. In Alsace, a trader has found a way to deliver to all his customers. His order book is ready until the end of March, and he can sell ready-to-use dry wood thanks to a kiln. Some professionals have decided to limit the number of cubic meters sold in order to be able to satisfy as many customers as possible before winter.