Fires in Greece: the distress of tourists


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – Chalvron, L.Feuerstein, R.Schapira, C.Thephilos, L.Tositti, A.Brignoli, S.Lisnyj, E.Marot, Y.Kadouch

France Televisions

Thousands of holidaymakers have sometimes had to leave everything in minutes because of the persistent fires in Greece. They are sometimes traumatized in the face of overwhelmed emergency services. Many managed on their own, Monday, July 24.

Rhodes airport (Greece) is transformed into a refuge for hundreds of tourists. All had to flee the flames in an emergency. A Parisian family has decided not to leave the airport where they feel safe. For evacuated vacationers, it is now necessary to find a flight to return. A puzzle for a young Finnish couple. They had to leave all their belongings at the hotel, including their identity papers. “Seeing all this black smoke, it was quite traumatic (…) it was our honeymoon anyway”says the woman.

Hasty evacuations

On the island of Rhodes, children’s toys are abandoned on the beach. These are the traces of the hasty evacuation of more than 30,000 tourists last Saturday. Some have taken refuge in the lobby of a hotel located in a safe place. A French family is preparing to spend a third night there. Alsatians had just arrived on Rhodes. They couldn’t even reach their hotel, the bus had to turn around.

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