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Despite the health crisis which has seriously complicated things, cultural life has been reborn in 2021. Jean Chamoulaud, journalist at France Télévisions, provides an update on this year.
More than four million French people have gone to see Spiderman: No way Home and the last part of the James Bond saga, To die can wait. “In the literature department, there was a lot of success during the year 2021. 1,547,000 French people bought the last Asterix, Asterix and the Griffin. The revelation of the year is Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, Prix Goncourt 2021, with his book The Most Secret Memory of Men“, explains Jean Chamoulaud, journalist at France Télévisions.
“In the music category, Orelsan crushed all competition with his album Civilization (138,929 copies sold). Adèle ranks second with her album 30 (45,487 copies). The year 2021 was also marked by the death of Charlie Watts, a big name in music. He drummed with the Rolling Stones from 1963 until the end of his life “, adds Jean Chamoulaud.
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