Fayolle Jean Jr: an actor in demand

It is in Fayolle Jean Jr that Frédéric Blanchette, the director of the play Sainte-Marie-la-Maudernecalled a little before the pandemic to offer the role of the doctor who tries to seduce the inhabitants of a very small island.

“I said, ‘Huh? Me? ”, explains the main interested party, laughing. He told me he wanted to change things up a bit. It’s not the kind of thing you turn down. I added: ”OK, it’s going to be a challenge, we’ll try” and I embarked on this project. Then, I found it cool to know that Michel Rivard would be part of the project, even if it added a little extra pressure. »

For having known the director a few years ago when he was playing in the play In the field of love, the actor knew that he would once again enjoy working with him on this play, which will be presented at the Gilles-Vigneault theater in Saint-Jérôme starting June 23. Adapted by Emmanuel Reichenbach from the screenplay by The great seduction by Ken Scott, the play also includes Normand Brathwaite in its cast.

“It has aged so well, says the one who reviewed the film before diving into this project. When you come from Montreal, you always see remote places as lost places, but when you get there, you are always caught up in the beauty and the sincerity and generosity of the people. »

The plunger

In The plungerthe long-awaited feature film by Francis Leclerc, Fayolle Jean Jr will be sous-chef Renaud.

For the record, the plot taking place largely in restaurant kitchens (hence the title, The plunger) and scenes from rush being numerous and important in history, we had to build a kitchen set to be able to shoot there without all the constraints that come with the cramped conditions of real restaurant kitchens.

“We took lessons at the kitchen level to know how to pass the pans, how it goes and know the vocabulary and the good terms to use like “rear” or “back””, explains the actor who had loved work with Francis Leclerc on the series Walk in the shade.

From this kind of project, Fayolle Jean Jr explains that it is above all the meetings that he retains. As is the case for the hit series Between two sheets – whose season 3 will be shot this summer – or the series District 31 Where Squad 99.

From the Serie The pact broadcast on Télé-Québec (and of which his brother, Anderson Jean, is one of the authors) by piece My name is Muhammad Ali which will be presented at the Festival TransAmériques from September 6 to 21 at the Théâtre de Quat’Sous, in addition to dubbing, the actor has plenty of fun doing what he loves the most in the months to come.

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