Fanny Leeb cured of breast cancer: hospital, treatment… Video review of this ordeal

3 years ago, within a few days, I was walking down the hallway of the hospital with a lump in my stomach to receive my treatment“. When we read these first words signed Fanny Leeb, we quickly realize that the testimony which will follow will be poignant. And it is the case, since the young woman of 35 years has decided to pay homage to a period difficult part of her life in recent years when she was struck by breast cancer.

This return to her illness is not a surprise for her fans, since she had already proudly displayed her shaved head on the cover of her latest album, released in 2019. But Michel Leeb’s eldest daughter tells her audience that she has learned a lot from this ordeal, which she describes as “a storm, a storm for all“.”She triggered in me the rage to live. To become aware of its preciousness, of its meaning, specific to each one. She taught me that pain hides resilience. It was hard. But I believed in myself. And I chose to give this ordeal a positive meaning, in all the negative turmoil it could cause“, she adds in the text that accompanies her video compiling several important moments.

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