fan of Vianney, a candidate for “Don’t forget the lyrics” declares her love and makes Nagui very uncomfortable…

Friday June 10, 2022, Kaël, reigning champion of “Don’t forget the lyrics”, was back on France 2 to try to continue his victorious journey started the day before. This young dad lives by the song. “It’s a choice I’ve never regretted“, he clarified Thursday, June 9, at the start of the program in which he already participated ten years ago. “I had been super bad, really bad. I still managed to win 2,500 euros. It was a special couple. I was with the mother of my daughter Lola, the little pride“, he had said. But after potholing like a chef, the maestro came back pumped up and can already boast of holding the tidy sum of 41,000 euros after three victories. “work pays“, he declared after his last stunt on “Les petits papiers” by Régine.

During the second broadcast on June 10, Kaël had to face a colorful challenger who had come to challenge him but above all to send a funny message on the air. “You came, I was told, to make a declaration of love,” Nagui asked him, intrigued. “Yes. Because I’m in love with Vianney… he doesn’t know it yet but…” “So you want Vianney to know… Please“, chained the companion of Mélanie Page.

Vianney, there you go, I’m in love, I know, it’s too late but you never know… on a misunderstanding“, chanted Marianne, courageous to embark on such a declaration. Even if her courage was not necessarily rightly praised by Nagui who pointed more to the discomfort caused but this unusual announcement. “Yes… on a… um… it’s very awkward right now“, stammered the host, before adding: “Have you met him before?” “No, never, unfortunately.“, replied the young woman who subsequently unfortunately failed to dethrone the maestro who continues his journey in “Don’t forget the lyrics” with a nest egg which now amounts to 42,000 euros.


See also: Vianney: the singer violently attacked…

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