“Falling in love with a teenager”, this VERY inappropriate remark from Anne Hidalgo to Brigitte Macron will set fire to the powder

Since becoming President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron has already had to face numerous criticisms regarding his methods, his policies, his actions, his words… But what certainly affects him the most are the derogatory remarks concerning his couple, and more particularly his wife directly.

In five years as First Lady of France, Brigitte Macron has many times been hooked for her age, for the age difference between her and her husband, – 24 years exactly -, but also for the way their couple ‘is formed. In high school when the latter was a teacher, and Emmanuel Macron, a 16-year-old student. But no matter, the critics pass over the couple, perfectly accustomed.

I don’t feel like a cougar! Unlike other”

On the other hand, the words of Anne Hidalgo, the mayor of Paris and candidate for the 2022 presidential election may not pass. Asked by Closer about her relationship with Jean-Marc Germain, the former Hauts-de-Seine deputy 7 years her junior, the latter was very clear, their age difference is really ridiculous compared to other couples: “I don’t feel like a cougar! Unlike others, I could never have fallen in love with a teenager…” A spade thrown straight at Brigitte Macron, but also the opportunity to reach the President who is putting her husband through hell.

Still in the columns of Closer, Anne Hidalgo therefore decided to dot the i’s: “My husband suffers from my position. He doesn’t tell me, but I see him. In the past five years, many things have been denied him. It is difficult to be Mr. Hidalgo in this macronist power which does not give any gift to anyone who is not in allegiance.”. What set fire to the powder in the middle of the electoral campaign!

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