faced with the epidemic rebound, the authorities call on the oldest to carry out a new booster dose

There is now 50,000 case tested positive every day in France: an increase of 40% in one week. Another element of concern for the authorities: the increase in hospitalizations.

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Whether they are tested positive, contact cases or simply out of caution, masks have been more and more numerous on faces in recent days. And for good reason: Covid-19 cases are up 40% in one week.

>> Covid-19 figures: deaths, hospitalizations, vaccines… Follow the evolution of the epidemic in France and around the world

There are thus more than 50,000 cases tested positive on average each day, as well as an increase in hospitalizations, with a worrying rate of 600 new entries every 24 hours. However, on Monday June 20, the number of new cases of Covid almost doubled in 24 hours, showing a 46% increase. The incidence rate soars in more than 50 departments.

So many elements that challenge and worry the authorities: the government has thus called on the oldest to carry out their second dose of booster, that is to say the fourth dose. Only a quarter of eligible people received this reminder.

However, it is the most fragile who go to the hospital the most, in the event of contamination: at the moment in the hospital, eight out of ten Covid patients are over 60 years old. If, all things considered, the epidemic picks up slightly, the Ministry of Health is concerned about the low vaccination rate among the oldest: only 19% of people aged 60 to 79 – and even in nursing homes where vaccination campaigns vaccinations are organized – less than half of the people concerned have accepted the shot.

The government intends to strengthen its system: the authorities have already launched an appeal to professionals and sent emails to the public concerned to encourage them to make this second reminder, without waiting for the boosters planned for the fall. It will then be new versions of vaccines more effective against the sub-variants of Omicron which cause this small epidemic recovery.

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