Faced with “an unprecedented situation”, Elisabeth Borne promises to work “tomorrow to build a majority of action”

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10:38 p.m. : The Minister of Ecological Transition, Amélie de Montchalin, is beaten in her constituency of Essonne against the socialist Jérôme Guedj.

10:37 p.m. : Good evening, here is the probable composition of the Nupes in the National Assembly: La France insoumise would have 79 seats, Europe Ecologie-Les Verts and the ecologists 25 seats, the Socialist Party 25 seats, the French Communist Party 12 seats.

10:36 p.m. : Good evening FI, I repeat my question: in the Nupes how many elected FI PS green and PC?

10:36 p.m. : What a failure for Emmanuel Macron. A truncated presidential debate, the RN enters the AN en masse, record abstention, climate inaction, increasing inequalities which are fracturing the country more than ever. It is facing a democratic crisis. Everything must be rebuilt.

10:36 p.m. : The former socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo paints a very gloomy assessment of the evening.

10:34 p.m. : In her speech, Elisabeth Borne tries to do something parliamentary “at the same time”: keep a line of “protection” and of “security” with the roadmap planned before these legislative elections, while calling for a broad “gathering” on certain major subjects, such as an appeal to the social democrats and the LRs favorable to the macronist project.

10:32 p.m. : “We have everything to succeed, and it is together that we will succeed”concludes Elisabeth Borne, in a monotonous tone.

10:33 p.m. : “The French are calling on us to come together for the country. For weeks, the government has been at work and taking the necessary measures to protect everyone”continues Elisabeth Borne, who wants to believe in a large gathering “for full employment, an ambitious ecological transition… We will build a majority of action tomorrow.”

10:31 p.m. : “This evening, the situation is unprecedented. The National Assembly has never experienced such a configuration under the Fifth Republic. This configuration constitutes a risk for our country (…). This vote, we must respect it and draw from it the consequences. As a central force in this new Assembly, we have a special responsibility to bear.”

10:28 p.m. : Legislative: Raquel Garrido announces his victory against Jean-Christophe Lagarde in Seine-Saint-Denis

10:27 p.m. : A page is definitely turning and I wish good luck to our fellow citizens with the one who is now responsible for representing them in Parliament.

10:28 p.m. : Elected since 2002, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, figure of the UDI, recognizes his defeat in his constituency of Seine-Saint-Denis. At the same time, her rival, Raquel Garrido (Nupes) announced her victory on the BFM-TV set.

10:27 p.m. : On paper, yes, @Xavier. But as often, it should not happen like that in the Assembly, firstly because the Communists are very attached to their parliamentary freedom. In addition, the re-election of Fabien Roussel, whose relations are fresh with La France insoumise, does not facilitate this alliance in the same group. Difficult, therefore, to see the left having the first opposition group.

10:27 p.m. : Good evening, if the communists join forces with LFI, that makes the 2nd group in front of the RN, right?

10:24 p.m. : If your passion is to watch the hemicycle fill up little by little, head to our interactive graphic.

10:25 p.m. : I would like to answer you, @Bratez, but it will be case by case. However, it seems difficult to dispute a result beyond two points difference, such as 51%-49%.

10:24 p.m. : Good evening FI, given some very tight scores, from what difference in votes can a candidate legitimately challenge the results?

10:22 p.m. : ? Reaction statement after the publication of the results of our constituency.

10:22 p.m. : The former Secretary of State for pension reform, Laurent Pietrazewski, announces his defeat in the 11th district of the North.

10:21 p.m. : “You should be ashamed”, launches Manuel Bompard to Eric Dupond-Moretti. “In the 62 duels that opposed the candidates of the Nupes and the candidates of the RN, 55 times your candidates were not able to say ‘we will have to beat the National Rally'”declares the deputy of Nupes.


10:19 p.m. : New estimate from our partner Ipsos-Sopra Steria. Together ! won 234 seats, ahead of Nupes (141 seats) and the RN (90 seats). The far-right party would become the second largest group in the Assembly, ahead of insubordinate France, credited with 79 seats (the Nupes will not sit in a single group). Note the 75 seats of the Republicans.

10:23 p.m. : Clément Beaune, Secretary of State for Europe, was elected MP for the 7th district of Paris with just under 51% of the vote, according to the final results. He beats the lawyer Caroline Mecary, candidate of the Nupes.

10:14 p.m. : Abstention will reach its second highest historical level, after 2017, with 54% according to our Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate. In many polling stations today, the atmosphere was very similar to that.

10:14 p.m. : I’m your live, what about abstention?

10:13 p.m. : “The National Assembly will tremble! » ??? #circo9407

10:18 p.m. : Rachel Keke, the housekeeper who presented herself under the label of Nupes in the 7th district of Val-de-Marne, claims victory against Roxana Maracineanu. The website of the Ministry of the Interior gives her the lead with 51.23% of the votes against the former Minister of Sports after counting 40% of the ballots.

10:12 p.m. : @Dawoud Attention, you are on the results page of the municipality, on the riding it’s tight, but not as tight as on the city. Sylvie Ferrer (Nupes) wins with 104 votes ahead of her challenger Ensemble!, Jean-Bernard Sempastous.

10:12 p.m. : And no ! In Séméac in the Hautes-Pyrénées only two votes separate the two candidates

10:08 p.m. : Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labour, Full Employment and Integration keeps his post by winning in the 2nd district of Ardèche. He won 58.86% of the vote and beat his opponent from Nupes Christophe Goulouzelle.

10:07 p.m. : Christian Jacob, the president of the Republicans, evokes a “scathing failure for Emmanuel Macron”.


10:08 p.m. : And the palm of the tightest election goes to the 8th district of Seine-et-Marne, where the candidate Together! Hadrien Ghomi won by four unfortunate votes in front of his Nupes challenger, Arnaud Bonnet, who obtained an infuriating 49.99% of the votes.

10:06 p.m. : Good evening @Then then ?, we have concocted an article that brings together the different results of the members of the government. But I will try to be synthetic with the list of ministers involved in the second round:

Elisabeth Borne: elected
Damien Abad: re-elected
Olivier Dussopt: re-elected
Olivier Veran: re-elected
Gerald Darmanin: re-elected
Clement Beaune: no final result yet
Gabriel Attal: no final result yet
Amelie de Montchalin: beaten
Brigitte Bourguignon: beaten
Yael Braun-Pivet: no final result yet
Marc Fesneau: re-elected
Frank Riester: re-elected
Olivia Gregory: no final result yet
Stanislas Guerini: no final result yet
Justine Benin: beaten

10:04 p.m. : Do you have other results of ministers? Thank you for all your work

10:03 p.m. : In the 6th constituency of Hérault, Emmanuelle Ménard, elected in 2017 under the FN label, was re-elected very largely with 69.83% of the vote, against Magali Crozier-Daniel, candidate under the Nupes label.

10:02 p.m. : Socialist Boris Vallaud is re-elected in the 3rd constituency of Landes against his challenger Together! with almost 60% of the votes.

9:56 p.m. : Good evening @detailsdon’t worry, the entire editorial staff is preparing analysis articles for you to better understand these duels;)

9:56 p.m. : Hello, have you planned an analysis of the duels? Nudes vs RN? And the other duels?

9:56 p.m. : “We are going to build a majority very quickly so that it becomes absolute in the National Assembly”, knowing that “other groups will allow us to obtain the quota of votes sufficient to present the reforms and have the texts adopted”advances Olivier Véran, Minister in charge of Relations with Parliament and Democratic Life, this evening on TF1.

9:55 p.m. : Good evening @Married, it is very difficult to say, because the question divides the constitutionalists. Article 12 of the Constitution provides that “the President of the Republic may, after consultation with the Prime Minister and the Presidents of the Assemblies, pronounce the dissolution of the National Assembly”and the general elections take place twenty days at least and forty days at most after the dissolution”. Gold, “iA new dissolution cannot be carried out in the year following these elections”. But “these elections” do they relate to legislation? I will try to inquire to come back with more specific answers.

9:53 p.m. : Good evening, from when could Macron dissolve the National Assembly?

9:49 p.m. : #a @libe #RevueDePresse

9:49 p.m. : The one of Release of tomorrow announces the color.

9:48 p.m. : In the 1st district of the North, Adrien Quatennens, figure of rebellious France and candidate under the Nupes label, largely wins with 59.7% in the second round, against Vanessa Duhamel, candidate Together!. Already a deputy under the previous legislature, Adrien Quatennens will find the benches of the Assembly alongside Alexis Corbière, Danièle Obono, and his other comrades from the LFI parliamentary group.

9:43 p.m. : It was the deputy-farmer. Jean-Baptiste Moreau, outgoing LREM deputy from Creuse, was beaten by Nupes candidate Catherine Couturier by 51.4% against 48.6%.

9:43 p.m. : Good evening @Antoine, it’s possible. What is certain is that many voters of the candidates defeated in the first round did not move in the second, whether they were pro-Nupes, pro-Together! or pro-RN. I share with you this table from Ipsos-Sopra Steria on the different vote transfers according to the vote in the first round, during the Nupes-Ensemble duels. You will see in particular that abstention is very strong for LR and RN voters.


9:43 p.m. : Hello, can we explain (in part) the result of the RN by the fact that the voters of Nupes did not vote for Together! after the statements of President Emmanuel Macron?

9:41 p.m. : Hope finally, because I am announcing that we are going to form what will probably be the largest parliamentary group in the history of political ecology. What we have built will not stop there, for ecology, social justice and democracy, count on us.

9:41 p.m. : Next, pride, because in two months we succeeded in what had not been done in several years. Proud of this common banner, the #NUPES, proud to send many and many fighting MPs to defend our values. #legislative2022

9:41 p.m. : Three feelings go through me tonight.
Anger first, because those who presented themselves as the dam on the far right are in fact the stepping stone. #LREM is responsible for the record abstention and for sending National Rally deputies to the AN.

9:41 p.m. : The ecologist Julien Bayou, whose result we will know later in the evening, sums up his feelings in three tweets.

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