Fabienne Carat mum: how the original baby name came to be

After months of secrecy, Fabienne Carat formalized her pregnancy last September. Three months later, she gave birth to her baby, an adorable little girl named Celeste who fills her with happiness. Separated from the dad, the 42-year-old actress finds herself a single mother. She gave birth alone, alone that she will raise her little girl and also alone that she chose her sweet name. In interview for the magazine Gala, she explains.

The Larousse dictionary indicates that Celeste means everything relating to heaven, the abode of the blessed, or to the divinity. This adjective has a double meaning, it also represents a rapture through beauty, gentleness. So many words that remind Fabienne Carat of her little girl. This is how the first name Celeste imposed itself on her, as she tells it. “It was how she came to be in my life that made me decide. This child is a gift from heaven. This name has a great meaning in addition to being original, it fits him perfectly, she confides. Before that, I searched a lot, I had a list, but I was also waiting to see his face to decide. This baby is an angel, she never cries, I feel like she understands everything I feel her very sensitive, she is incredible.

This Thursday, December 23, 2021, on Instagram, Fabienne Carat shares a superb photo. Above, she strikes a pose on her bed in the maternity ward next to her sister Carole Carat, who is holding little Celeste in her arms. “After a few unforeseen first nights in Nice … my sister @carole_carat came to pick us up at the end of my isolation to return to Paris, she says in the caption. We were able to create a hell of a warrior bond with my daughter, both in this clinic.

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