Fabien Onteniente, in the Dordogne

He made our holidays into cult comedies, like the saga “Camping“! But where is the region of the heart of the director Fabien Ontoniente? Well it is the Basque country ! But, when you push it a little further, it is in Dordogne let him take us.

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A department that he also filmed in a magnificent TV movie, his first drama as a director: “children of the righteous” in which a couple from Périgord saves Jewish children during the Second World War. And the least we can say is that the natural decor of the film resonated in him, as he explains to Patrice Gascoin’s France Bleu microphone.

For the sequel, the director gives you an appointment at the cinema since he is preparing a sequel to his film on the world of football “4 – 0”.

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