executives coach voluntarily at AREC51

Executive looking for a job, do you need to structure your search and break the isolation?

Within a group of around twenty managerial and similar trainees, accompanied by a team of facilitators, experienced multi-business executives, active or retired, offer to coach you on a voluntary basis. With their knowledge of business and recruitment, you will benefit from a proven method

a 3-month internship to make job search more efficient

In this program available to listen via the media player at the top of the page, Olivier Cattiaux receives François Brechon-Cornery president of AREC51, Amandine Froment host at AREC51 and Renaud Jeannequin former trainee of AREC51.

Are you a manager looking for a job?

Participate in the presentation meeting

we offer 3-month support sessions, and we are starting a new session whose presentation evening will take place on September 8, 2022 at 8 p.m. in Reims at the Maison de la Vie Associative – 122 bis rue du Barbâtre

To register by email, click >>HERE<<
Learn more about AREC51: arec51.canalblog.com

*AREC = Job Search Support for Executives

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